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Why Fire Training Is So Important

28th October 2022

Why Fire Training Is So Important

Did you know that fire safety is something you need to be legally in compliance with? The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 states that a responsible person should carry out assessments to ensure this, which includes that your staff receive sufficient fire safety training, so they know what to do in a fire. If your organisation does not follow the legislation your business could receive large fines.

Fire Prevention

Fire prevention is needed to reduce hazards, stopping fires from happening in the first place. From inspections to maintenance, to education and training, there are many ways that you can prevent fires in your organisation. These methods will save both your staff and property and include, evacuation plans, fire exit signs, emergency lighting and more. These crucial plans will ensure your team knows what to do in the event of a fire, saving lives.

The Importance

Fires spread quickly and can have awful effects, not only damaging your property but putting your staff at risk too. Therefore, effective training and safety measures are key to reducing the risk and keeping you, your staff and your premises safe. Being able to reduce the risk of fire through education and awareness will make all the difference. That’s why it is crucial your team has sufficient fire safety training, as everyone needs to be aware.

The Damage To Your Business

If fire training isn’t carried out, a fire could lead to lives lost, or extreme consequences to your company. Did you know that on average, businesses can lose £657,00 per fire? From the building itself to the equipment and documents, the effects it can have on your staff can be impactful too, sick leave from injuries and distress, ruining the productivity and your team’s spirit.

Ensuring Safety

There are many methods to ensuring fire safety in your workplace, from fire risk assessment reviews, being able to maintain equipment, both electrical and fire safety, and most importantly, that your staff get detailed and effective fire safety training.

In terms of fire safety, staff should be given initial fire training on the day they’re employed, so they are aware of the procedures and systems in place, things like fire escape routes and assembly points. After this, they will need regular training to ensure they are up to date. As well as this, you should give them more training when new fire risks occur, the frequency of training will vary depending on the organisation and industry, and each is unique. The goal is for every single one of your employees to know what to do if a fire happens, and how they can safely leave your building.


Here at Fire Stoppers, our fire safety training is designed to provide you and your company with an understanding of fire safety, so you can meet the legal requirements. Our training is tailored for your business and staff members so they can have the knowledge and confidence to know exactly what to do in the case of a fire and how to be safe. We offer fully practical training, with experience fire safety trainers, in a professional training facility, You’ll even get a certificate of completion. Interested? Click here to learn more.

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