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Landlords To Put Carbon Monoxide Detectors In Premises

30th September 2022

Legislation has recently changed and landlords will be required to have carbon monoxide detectors in their properties from Saturday 1st October 2022. Do you know why this change has happened? Or, how it can affect your property? This blog will explain to you everything you need to know about these changes.

The Legislation

The Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm (Amendment) Regulations 2022 comes into effect on 1st October 2022. These regulations cover the landlord’s responsibility in both England and Wales. From then landlords must ensure that there are sufficient smoke alarms on the property and that both smoke and carbon monoxide detectors are repaired and replaced when necessary. The big change to these regulations is that landlords will have to make sure that a carbon monoxide alarm is in place in any room that is lived in which contains a fixed combustion appliance, but not gas cookers. Does your property have them? If it doesn’t, the landlord is liable to a £5,000 fine, with local authorities being in charge of these rules.


Fixed combustion appliances have been found to be responsible for many carbon monoxide poisonings, usually if they’re faulty or haven’t been maintained well. Gas cookers are exempt because there has been a smaller number of poisoning incidents for this type of appliance. Carbon monoxide is a dangerous gas that can be fatal when breathed in. It doesn’t have a smell or a colour which means you will be unaware when it’s about, that’s why an alarm is so important. Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning include headaches, feeling dizzy, sickness, confusion and much more. If you believe you have been poisoned by carbon monoxide you should immediately stop using the appliances you think are causing it, open windows and doors and go outside. You should also get medical help and not enter the affected building until help arrives. You can call the National Gas Helpline on 0800 111 99 anytime.

How We Can Help?

Here at Fire Stoppers, we have a team of experts that can install alarms, both radio and wireless and regularly test them to ensure they’re always working up to standard. We’re highly experienced in installing, commissioning and maintaining all types of alarm systems to provide emergency protection to your premises. In fact, we do this within the current BS 589-1:2017 fire standards. To learn more, click here to head to our website.

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